Welcome to my projects

Larali Studios

In Larali studios, our vision is to deliver a feature-rich, realtime networking solution that simplifies networking through utilization of high efficiency, low latency asynchronous API calls, giving developers the performance and the flexibility they need to build highly scalable systems without the need to delve into low level details.
So we came up with our networking solution, Lara Framework, which is a .Net-based, multithreaded, high performance, general purpose, cross platform networking solution, written in C#, with integrated authentication/authorization, file sharing and cloud storage capabilities. Lara framework makes networking a very simple task enabling developers to focus on their business logic without caring about low level details. Lara makes it easy to build highly scalable systems through the ability to create multiple server instances. Lara is a feature-rich, realtime networking solution highly optimized for gaming, media streaming and file sharing.

Lara Framework

Lara is a multithreaded, high performance, general purpose, cross platform networking solution developed by Larali studios. The Framework is integrated with a robust binary serialization system and general-purpose authentication/authorization, file sharing, cloud storage and messaging capabilities. Lara framework simplifies networking through the utilization of high performance asynchronous APi-Calls, enabling developers to focus on their business logic without caring about the low-level details. Lara framework makes it also easy to build highly scalable systems through the ability to create multiple server instances.

Resource class generator

Resource class generator is a free developer tool, that helps embeding files from disk directly into source code as byte arrays.

Furrlies Reunion

Furrlies reunion is a 2D puzzle game, with a Sudoku like basic logic developed with godot engine, featuring furry mystical creatures coming from a magical world in nine groups to spread love and peace in our world, each group consists of nine colorful cute creatures, and each individual creature is unique and special in his group these lovely creatures seek to be reunited in a unique way, that every colored furrly appears only once in every column, row and block. Some of these furrlies have lost their way and they need your help to join their group. And since they are magical creatures! They need a magical potion to live in this world. Each mistake will cost you a dose of this precious potion. When reunited, furrlies will give you a new dose through their magical power. if you run out of potion furrlies will fade away, so you have to be careful. in some situations when things gets hard some magical furrlies come to help you find the right cell for each furrly. when your potion is about to run out the joker furrly comes for the aid, he has the ability to mimic all the colors of the furrlies so put him in any cell and he will do the magic, he will also give you a new dose of the magical potion. In some difficult levels when there are so many missing furrlies, a sorcerer furrly comes around to help you, this tough guy has the ability to summon ghosts for a short period of time, but using his ability will cost you a dose of the precious potion, so use it wisely. The game begins with 5 tutorial levels explaining the rules of the game, and a total of 165 level ranging from super easy to super hard, each puzzle is randomly generated that no two puzzles are the same.


A simple social media website.

Technologies used:

1 - ASP.Net Core MVC and SignalR
2 - Vanilla JS and JQuery
3 - Bootstrap 5 and custom CSS

Simple utilities Web-App

A simple utilities app.

Song App

A simple app to demonstrate CRUD operations.

Info object library

fully serializable abstract C# class that implements Reflection to convert public properties to and from binary data. This class is meant to be used as a containing medium to hold and transfer Information on disk or over network. The classes that inherit from this class can be converted to byte array and transferred over network or saved to disk as a binary file.

Automated migration library for ASP.Net Core Entity Framework

An ASP.Net Core library that handles automated creation of the Database and the tables for models without the need to add migration and update database manually.


A light weight JS DOM-Manipulation library.


A simple, yet powerfull and easy modifiable analog clock for you website, made with pure Javascript.

Thank you for visiting my Portfolio